
Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Something New

New goal this week: try something new every week (until further notice)

This week?  Vegan Lemon Tart.

The result? Eh.  I apologize in advance to the people who are eating it for our refreshments tomorrow.

I probably shouldn't have used raw almonds in place of raw cashews (but they were so much cheaper!) 

I probably should have also gotten a much stronger food processor (also new this week!) that could have creamed everything more.

I probably should have used a different recipe with not so much coconut oil.

In other news, I just realized this week that a plant that I inherited from a coworker when he changed jobs is still alive!  It's been at least 3 months.

Its name is Jade

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Hi, It's Me

Turns out I still have a blog.

I think my brain is broken.  It saddens me.  But at least it's not a broken heart or a broken soul, or maybe it's all of those.

In any case, it's sometimes quite easy to forget about my broken brain.

I don't remember it when I'm watching the cryoceiling at work get lifted 45 feet into the air.
I don't remember it when the sun is shining and when the deer watch me cautiously as I walk to my car.
I certainly don't remember it when I'm at the library, trying to find an appropriately "intellectual" movie to borrow along with the guilty pleasure Hallmark movie in my hand.

I really only think about it when I'm driving home and thinking back on my day and realizing, "Hey, you, those negative thoughts, those despairing thoughts?  Those aren't the thoughts of a normal brain."

So I try to be kinder.  "It's okay, brain.  You worked really hard today and no one thinks you should quit your job or that you aren't smart enough to handle it."

I pray that the kind words are the true ones.
Gulf of Mexico + Me, Mar 2018