
Friday, February 18, 2011

Sweet Thursday

Dear World,

It's the little things about life that can sometimes just make me appreciate being alive.

Here's some of what I saw on Thursday:

What Thomas Jefferson (TJ) would look like on a cellphone.  I'm sure it's supposed to be some great thinking pose but nope, he really just looks like he's chatting away with some friend (maybe James Madison?).  Seen in the UVA Hospital Lobby.

While picking out a movie to watch with my roommate, I was anxious to find other movies for her to watch while on bed rest.  I was thumbing through the foreign films looking for something martial arts-esque but was not finding anything especially interesting so I asked Ashley, "Are you seeing anything?"  She had been unusually quiet while I had been looking.  Her response, "Um... No.  The movies in my area aren't quite what I think we should get."  And then she showed me what she saw:
And we laughed at the weirdness of it.  Seen in the UVA Undergraduate Library - Clemons.

Also, weird movie! Perhaps Love (如果愛) with Takeshi Kaneshiro.  It's like art film meets Singin' in the Rain/West Side Story/Moulin Rouge complete with Takeshi singing, some other guy singing operatic style and the main lead girl singing breathy voice style.  While I giggled over the joy of listening to Phantom of the Opera type singing in Chinese, my roommates scratched their heads over the horrible English translation.  So I had to actually stop and read the subtitles and correct them where I could.  But we never were quite certain what was a flashback and what was a cut from the movie they were making in the movie.

And one more thing: Walking back to the car at 4:30 am on the return from the ER (again) was glorious.  The world smells so clean and wonderful.  Whereas walking into the ER reminded me of the chaos and smells of Taipei at night (which I love) the morning reminded me of my walks to work in the BYU Library back in the day.  I was reminded of how much I missed those times in my life.


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