A few weeks ago, when I put labels on my blog posts, I realized that I mentioned and talked about SHINee (pronounced like 'Shiny') quite a bit.
To be honest, I really like these kids:
(1) They have good music.
This was their debut song and it just never gets old. This is also the SHINee magic dance - it works with almost every pop song the kpop industry releases. At press, I've probably tried upwards of 50 songs.
(2) They are funny. (I don't know the source of these quotes; my sister sent them to me a long time ago)
"I know about women. I know that they're not men."
-Shinee: Minho
"Dear future wife, darling. I'm sorry I haven't been a good husband. Let's have children quickly. Or I'll be infertile"
-Shinee: Jonghyun
"It was my first time seeing people with blonde hair overseas. So I was like, 'ah. this is overseas.'"
-Shinee: Taemin
"Don't say random stuff. It makes me do random things."
-Shinee: Onew
"Onew has the confused image, but he is indeed confused."
-Shinee: Jonghyun
"The extent of our appetite is shocking. I won't be surprised if it scares off people"
-Shinee: Jonghyun
"It will be fine if I don't start eating. It's even more difficult to stop eating once I start."
-Shinee: Key
(3) They have survived the horrible haircuts that some stylist convinced them was the greatest thing ever. (The Lucifer concept was the worst. I would like to think this was when they first debuted and 'didn't know any better' but this was just last year)
Taemin: They gave him long, punk rocker hair but it just makes him look like a pretty girl.
Minho: Okay, so Minho doesn't really look that bad. They can give him the worst haircut in the world and he still looks handsome but that doesn't mean you should. Does his hair remind anyone else of Spock?
Jonghyun: It's like a lion mane concept.
Key: Words cannot describe how weird this is. They shaved one quarter of his head and dyed the stubble blonde?
Onew: He is the oldest but how they made him look like a middle aged man is beyond me.
I watch every video they put out, even the Japanese releases of all the same old songs. Despite my like for them, I am a little embarrassed to admit, with every new video, I have to ask for help in telling them apart. I can't seem to keep their faces and names straight.
Recently, though, (my life is boring), I finished watching a TV show with them in it. I learned that I like Onew more than Key (which was surprising) and that I liked all of them more than Super Junior (shocker).
But the biggest benefit of watching this show is that I think I can now tell Taemin and Onew apart on any video/hairstyle SHINee can throw my direction.
I can't help but laugh at Taemin's long hair. And I like the quotes, although I feel like now that I know them they're a lot funnier than that.