
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Cat Nap

I fell asleep this afternoon and had a series of random dreams in quick succession.  They are fascinating but left me feeling like my subconscious had just taken me on a journey.

Dream 1: I was at church.  My friends and I (including Sarah from Alaska) had made a banquet of food for the other congregation that attends in the same building as us.  I kept asking Linds for her opinion on the food and Sarah too as we anxiously awaited for their church meetings to end so we could serve them dinner.  But as we went in to taste some of the food for appropriate spices, we discovered that people had been sneaking taste tests all during their meetings.  So, laughingly, we wondered if we should just end meetings early and sit down with both congregations together to eat in the bounty of food.

Dream 2: I was a family reunion.  It was a distant family member.  At one point my grandma mentioned that we were in, "Some cousin's kid's house" which just goes to show you how random it was that we were there.  They had this very large setup for all the many children they had that included a rather fun jungle gym type room.  Somehow, my entire family ventured up there.  (My oldest sister had to give me specific instructions to get onto the swinging platform and then she joined me up there as well)  There we were, perched on various little ledges and seats in this room, all of my siblings and my mother.  We were having an intelligent adult conversation (my brother was on his iPad and one of my sisters had a phone that folded out into a tablet as well) about our interactions with other people and how we have addressed specific cultural, political, and social differences only to find that we really all handled things in the same way.

Dream 3: I was in a professional restaurant kitchen where the chef and sous chef were barking out orders for the day's tasks.  They gave some special sauce assignment to a really cute, excited pregnant girl who immediately skipped over and started in.  I watched as she carefully put in all the ingredients into this very large pot and stirred and stirred and stirred.  Then with a shaking hand she took a spoon and tasted it very carefully. She pondered for a moment and then said, "It's missing something."

Cue the music.

No, really, my mind cued the first few notes and then continued to play out the song as I came into consciousness.  And I lay there, listening to this odd soundtrack in my head thinking, "Something is missing."

If only I could figure it out what ingredient is missing from my life.

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