
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

On the Run

Dear Subconscious,

I've been on the run in my dreams before.  I've had chase scenes that make action movies seem tame.  It was one thing to be shocked when a kimodo dragon jumped up onto my lounge chair.  It was quite another to find that multiple kimodo dragons were intent on following me and eating live animals in front of me.  Even in the midst of trying to figure out how to deal with the situation, I marveled, "In my dreams, I've been chased by a number of things but nothing as surprisingly disturbing as this.  I wonder what is going on in my brain."  If you'd care to enlighten me, I'd be most interested.


Dear Tuesday,

Where did you go?  In any case, thanks to you, I'm already desperate for a Friday.


Dear Dreams,

You feel far away.  One day at a time; one step at a time.  I'm not entirely sure what I'm working for anymore.  PhD?  Marriage and Family?  Living/working in Japan?  Where have you gone?  I think I'm most worried that at the end of this semester, I'll stop to take a breath and realize that everything is still as distant and unattainable as ever. Or worse, that you've disappeared altogether.  Please don't leave me here alone.


Dear Charlottesville,

It feels like my first spring with you rather than my sixth.  You continue to amaze me and take my breath away with your beauty.  Even in the midst of my running around, I cannot help but marvel.  Thank you for being so wonderful.


Dear Chinese Professors,

After having gone off about the length of time for a Master's in China and a PhD in China (3-4 years), I was hesitant to give an answer when you asked what year in school I was.  Sixth.  You all got very quiet, looked at each other, and then jumped in with, "You must have a really strict professor.  You have such a hard program, it's no wonder it takes you so long."  It was so kind of you to think it must be someone else's fault besides my own.  But really, it comes down me to me, and my inability to get good data.  Thanks for the support anyway.  It really did mean a lot.


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