Yesterday, I walked to work and was stunned by the return of winter. However, it was stunning. A thin layer of white on new growth and color.
How can I describe my walk into work today? When I left my house, I walked through the fog and the mist, rejoicing in the faint smell of wet soil in the air. It still felt like winter but it also had the distinct feeling that it was coming to an end.
As I made my steady trek up to higher altitudes, I rejoiced to watch the sunlight mix in with the clouds, filling the entire world with a hazy brightness.
Then I got up to the trees on O-Hill and realized I needed to put on my hood because I was getting rained on. In wonder, I looked around me and saw clouds all about me. When I looked up, I saw only clear blue sky above the clouds. It wasn't rain after all. It was the trees, quietly shedding shiny, heavy, ice drops onto my head. The snow from yesterday was melting from the sun shining brightly above.
It felt so symbolic of a world that was shedding its winter burdens, reaching for the light and the warmth of a new day and desiring to assert it's desire to live.
I walked in wonder, and thought about the winter burdens I needed to let go and how, like the trees, I could let them go little by little.
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