
Friday, September 27, 2013

Actions Speak

At the start of the school year, my roommate and I made two new friends.  Except, with one, we felt that we had chosen him.  He never said much.  My roommate and I wondered if he even liked us.

Last night, my roommate came out into the living room where this friend and I were studying.  She had gone to bed earlier but due to stress from her job, couldn't sleep, "I'm kind of having a panic attack."  

Our friend went and got some scotcheroos he had made the night before, and we sat with her until she was calm.  He still didn't say much.  

As it turns out, when it comes to being a friend, words are optional.  


  1. It's a butterscotch-like rice krispie treat with chocolate on top.

  2. Oh...yum! By the way, that was an awesome comment you gave to that lady in your ward wrt the rice cooker. I would have loved to have seen the look on her face. :)
