
Friday, April 29, 2011

Renewed Awakenings

In the midst of this "relegation" period, I have realized one thing: I like engineering.

Let me repeat that. I like engineering!

It came as a bit of a surprise.  What, with my zealous interest in all things Asian and Fußball, I was starting to merely look at engineering as a vehicle to get me to Asia or Germany.  I spent a lot of time wondering what I was doing in a PhD in Aerospace Engineering when great joy lay in studying cultures and languages.    Everyone else around me wondered too.  

A few weeks ago, I was attended a seminar:  Large-Eddy / Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Simulations of Compressible, Wall-bounded Flows presented by Jack Edwards of NC State.  I had brought a few books to make myself not look like the slacker graduate student that I felt I was - a book on North Korean ideology and a journal from an organization of my profession - AIAA.  But do you even have to guess what reading I pulled out while waiting for the seminar to start?  

To be completely honest, I must divulge that some of my motivation in attendance was (1) to impress another graduate student I had met few weeks prior at a classical concert and (2) it would reflect poorly on my professor if I never attended seminars.  Other motivation actually included learning something but it took backseat.  

While sitting in this seminar though, I was interested.  It wasn't just because this speaker was good, although he certainly was.  It wasn't just because I actually understood part of what he was talking about, although that probably helped.  

I really truly wanted to go and read everything about the subject and study it more.  And this wasn't the only time.  It happened the next week.  And the next week.  

Is it true that I am actually meant to be an engineer after all?  

Definitely.  Maybe.  Here's hoping.  

This is a Karman Vortex Street off of Sorrocco Island.  Isn't it amazing?

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