"I don't know if I can help, but I want to lend a hand" - Pretty People by Monkey Majik
Sometimes, I cry myself to sleep because I want more than I feel capable of.
I wish to help, to lift, to inspire. I want the world to be a better place because I lived in it, even if no one remembers or notices what I have given it.
I am so small, so little, and my sphere of influence so insignificant. My abilities are limited. Despite my greatest wishes, I have no talents that I would say ever set me apart and distinguish what I have to offer.
When I would seek to change the world, I struggle simply to change myself. Where I would hope to counsel, comfort and cheer, I find myself stumbling in my anxiety and often hurting those whom I seek most to help.
Would that the the desires of my heart could translate to something more than just a wish. Would that the music, the beauty that I feel inside could express itself.
Instead I look in the mirror, I look at who I am, and what I accomplish and I marvel that I could ever dare to dream so much.
Would that I could be content with this simple work that I have been given.
Erin. Stop being so hard on yourself. You don't see what other people see and what other people see is how hard you try to make them happy! You're wonderful and I love you. The end.