
Friday, March 4, 2011

Five second friendship

Here's the scene:

Picture me standing in front of the holiday section of a grocery store, contemplating if I want to buy jelly beans or the malted robin's eggs...and by the way, where are those wonderful peanut butter cup eggs that I loved so much as a kid?  

Here's the conversation: 

"Green Peeps!!!" 
<I look over in surprise to see a smart, well-dressed woman in heels and skirt>
Me: ??
Lady: I'm potty training right now and these seem to be the only thing that work.  Not even any other color, just green.
Me: Wow, those work, huh? 
Lady:  Isn't that just the funniest thing?
Me:  Well, if it works, then it works.  
Lady: I haven't found any other place in town that sells green peeps.  I'm so glad I found these.  I'm buying two of each.  
<She picks up two packages of the rabbits and two of the peeps>
Me: That's just amazing! It's nice to know that this place sells green peeps!  

And the result? 

Okay, so I'm realizing now that I definitely didn't contribute anything brilliant to this conversation.  I think I was still marveling how green peeps would be effective potty training tools.  (Do kids actually want to eat them??  And why green??)

But what was amazing, was this:  Her joy was mine.  Suddenly, I was cheering along with her.  So much so that after loading her arms up with green sugary sweetness, she walked away.  But then turned back to say, "Have a nice weekend."  And I responded in kind.  Although I knew nothing about her, or at least very little, departing without some kind of farewell seemed inadequate.  

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