
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Blind Leading the ...

Dear Lucy,

You probably view me as the source of all knowledge when it comes to American culture.  And why shouldn't you, you wonder.  Here I am, an American, born and raised.  I wear jeans and t-shirts.  I sing children's songs about holes in buckets, dear Henry, dear Henry and bringing home baby bumblebees.  I elaborate on the wonders of American home cooking known as the casserole and homemade bread and apple pie.  And I tell you all about the different regions in the United States outlining their distinct cultures and accents.

But when I went home and told my friends about how I told you that Americans bow to their teachers like Koreans do, they all burst out laughing.

Maybe you should stop listening to me while we're both ahead.


P.S. English is not my forte either; I mess up on idioms all the time.  "Run around with my chickens" "Stop pulling my tail" "They were at each other's necks"

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha. That's hilarious. Definitely no bowing in my school years.
